Adaptworks the first to bring ICAgile Certification in Product Ownership to Latin America.
SAO PAULO — Agile coaching firm Adaptworks has announced their recent ICAgile Accredited Course for Business Value Analysis in Brazil. This new course will the first-ever ICAgile Professional Certification in Product Ownership to be offered anywhere in Latin America.
As agility continues to spread within Brazilian organizations, more and more business analysts, product managers and product owners seek to reimagine their notions of value delivery. The transformational adoption of customer-centric attitudes, approaches, and practices – as opposed to just executing “agile” frameworks for product development – is proven to be critical for maximizing value delivery at all levels of an organization.
The development of Adaptworks’ new training was influenced by their own experiences, which have shown that achieving this mindset is not just the task of the product owner, but the task of all the stakeholders involved in delivering value in the organization. This includes product managers, business analysts and all other roles.
As members of the globally reputable International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile) since 2015, Adaptworks has created new accredited learning in alignment with their rigorous Learning Outcomes written by globally-recognized leaders in Product Ownership. By achieving this first accreditation, Adaptworks is able to bring cutting-edge learning and ICAgile’s Professional Certification in Business Value Analysis (ICP-BVA) to Brazil.
“ICAgile represents the truth that agility has the power to change the world,” said Shane Hastie, Director of Agile Learning Programs for ICAgile, “and members like Adaptworks are doing just that. We are thrilled that they are bringing accredited learning in Business Value Analysis to Latin America.”
Adaptworks’ new learning is the first ICAgile Accredited Course in Product Ownership to be offered in Latin America.
“We are sure it will be a great success, as we are facing a huge lack of quality learning on the market when it comes to value delivery”, said Roberto Baptista (Chief Learning Officer at Adaptworks).
About ICAgile
Founded in 2010, ICAgile is a leading global Agile accreditation and certification body that helps organizations design learning experiences that cultivate an agile mindset and enable sustainable organizational agility. ICAgile provides world-class learning tracks to guide organizations in the development of their curriculum. ICAgile’s approach is not tied to any specific Agile methodology, thus giving people the flexibility to blend flavors in a way that makes sense for their reality.
Very exciting! On behalf of ICAgile, we’re all super excited to see your clients’ journeys unfold, and are proud to partner with Adaptworks.